1793: Gets promoted to brigadier general for his war merits.
1795: Save the National Convention (Republican revolutionary French government) of a Parisian insurrection.
1796: Appointed chief of army general in Italy, obtained numerous victories. He married Josephine de Beauharnais.
1798-1799: Campaigns Italy and Egypt.
1799: Fails to conquer Syria and returned to France. Seizes power in France through a coup. He was appointed First Consul, which happened to be the main ruler of France with dictatorial powers.
1800: Beat Australia at the Battle of Marengo and consolidated his conquests in northem Italy. New Constitution.
1804: Emperor of the French in Notre Dame.
1805: Beat Austria and Russia at the battle of Austerlitz.
1806: establishes the Confederation of the Rhine and now controls Poland. It creates the Continental System, designed to block and ruin the English trade.
1807: Invade Portugal.
1808: King of Spain appoints his brother, Joseph I. War of Independence from Spain and Portugal, which will last six years.
1809: is annexed Rome and the Papal States. Annulment of his marriage to Josephine.
1812: Disastrous Russian campaign.
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